For Visitors


Following is the list of hotels near the Center. AIMR cannot make hotel reservations for visitors.

Hotel name Location Contact
Hotel Bel Air Sendai(will open in a new tab) 15 min walk from Sendai sta.
5 min walk from AIMR
TEL : 022-217-8511
Sendai Kokusai Hotel(will open in a new tab) 7 min walk from Sendai sta.
7 min walk from AIMR
TEL : 022-268-1111
Hotel Metropolitan Sendai(will open in a new tab) 1 min walk from Sendai sta.
12 min walk from AIMR
TEL : 022-268-2525
Sendai Washington Hotel(will open in a new tab) 3 min walk from Sendai sta.
10 min walk from AIMR
TEL : 022-745-2222
Hotel Monterey Sendai(will open in a new tab) 3 min walk from Sendai sta.
10 min walk from AIMR
TEL : 022-265-7110
Richmond Hotel Premier Sendai Ekimae(will open in a new tab) 3 min walk from Sendai sta.
15 min walk from AIMR
TEL : 022-716-2855
The Westin Sendai(will open in a new tab) 10 min walk from Sendai sta.
7 min walk from AIMR
TEL : 022-722-1234

Listed hotel above would be convinient for you when you visit to AIMR. Hotel Bel Air Sendai is sited near AIMR and very convinient when you visit to Katahira Campus even though it doesn't have the English website.

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