Prof. Eiji Saitoh, Prof. Mingwei Chen, Prof. Thomas P. Russell, Prof. Qikun Xue and Prof. Takeshi Fujita selected as Highly Cited Researchers
Prof. Eiji Saitoh, Prof. Mingwei Chen, Prof. Thomas P. Russell, Prof. Qikun Xue (AIMR Principal Investigators) and Prof. Takeshi Fujita (AIMR Adjunct Professor; Kochi University of Technology) have been selected as Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers 2020.
This Highly Cited Research resource captures the people behind the most influential publications in 21 broad subject categories in life sciences, medicine, physical sciences, engineering and social sciences based on citation metrics. Prof. Saitoh and Prof. Xue were selected in the Physics category; Prof. Chen and Prof. Russell were selected in the Materials Science category; Prof. Fujita was selected in the Cross-Field category.

Prof. Eiji Saitoh

Prof. Mingwei Chen

Prof. Thomas P. Russell

Prof. Qikun Xue

Prof. Takeshi Fujita