[11/28] AIMR Research Support Center Thermal Analysis Technical Seminar

Thermal analysis, TG-DTA & DSC, is widely used in various fields as instruments for obtaining knowledge about the thermal properties of materials.
In this seminar, we will introduce the latest application from the principle of thermal analysis and application examples such as evolved gas analysis.
Please attend if you are interested.
November 28, 2019 (Thu.)
English Version | 10:00 - 12:00 |
Japanese Version | 14:00 - 16:00 |
*The content does not change between English and Japanese.
2F Seminar Room, AIMR Main Building, Katahira Campus, Tohoku Univ.
Dr. Lani Llego Celiz, Rigaku Corporation
Persons who can apply
This seminar will be open to participants both from inside and outside of Tohoku University.
How to apply
We request all participants to pre-register by e-mail to the following contacts by November 27th.
Ryotaro Kumashiro
AIMR Research Support Center Thermal Analysis Technical Seminar
About Sminar
Common Equipment Room & Management Office for Safety and Health,
Research Support Division,
Advanced Institute for Materials Research
Ryotaro Kumashiro
Tel: | +81-22-217-6162 |
E-mail: | ryotaro.kumashiro.c2@tohoku.ac.jp |
About Product
Rigaku Corporation, Kazuaki Miyazaki
E-mail: | miyazaki@rigaku.co.jp |