[12/13] The fourth annual WPI Joint Symposium in Tokyo


The fourth annual WPI Joint Symposium in Tokyo

The Fourth WPI Joint Symposium will be held on Dec. 13 in Tokyo, hosted by Kavli IPMU and co-hosted by the other 8 WPI centers. Three world's top-level researchers will give talks about researches on genome, nanoscience, and the universe. The talks are simultaneously and mutually interpreted between Japanese and English.

Dr. Daniel Miles Packwood, AIMR Interface Unit, will attend the Poster Session in the symposium. Please come and join us.


December 13, 2014,13:00-16:00 (open at 13:00)


Yurakucho Asahi Hall, Tokyo Access (will open in a new tab)




Official Web site

The fourth annual WPI Joint Symposium in Tokyo (will open in a new tab)


Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe

TEL : 04-7136-4940
E-MAIL : koukai-kouza _at_ ipmu.jp
(Replace _at_ with @)