[5/26-30] WPI booth and WS at the E-MRS Spring Meeting


AIMR and three WPI institutes (MANA, iCeMS, I2CNER) will host an exhibit booth at European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 2014 Spring Meeting (will open in a new tab), which will be held at the Lille Grand Palais in Lille, France on 26-30 May. We will also co-organize a workshop.

WPI booth will open on 27-29 May in the Exhibit Halls on the 3rd floor. The workshop "Japan in Motion - Recent WPI advances in materials (will open in a new tab)" will be held on 28 May, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at Room HAINAUT on the 5th floor. Both the WPI booth and workshop will show the latest advance of a range of research at the WPI centers and their efforts to create an open research environment.

Both the WPI booth and workshop are open to all meeting attendees. Please come and join us.

Related information


Public Relations & Outreach Office, Tohoku University AIMR

Address : 2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577
TEL : 022-217-6146
FAX : 022-217-5129
E-MAIL : outreach@wpi-aimr.tohoku.ac.jp