A researcher from the University of Pisa (Italy) visited AIMR


On January 9–10, 2025, Professor Lorenzo Di Bari of the University of Pisa, who is an authority on chirality research, visited AIMR. He is a researcher who has achieved remarkable results in his work on the interaction of matter and light in chirality, the design and consideration of new materials, etc.

During this visit, following a brief introduction of AIMR, Professor Bari toured Kato Lab, Sato Lab, and Common Equipment Room. In addition to opportunities for active discussions and informal conversations with AIMR researchers, he also gave the seminar on his own research titled “Materials and methods for playing with circularly polarized light in devices.” We would like to express our sincere appreciation for his visit.

Associate Professor Kato explained his laboratory’s work using posters.

Seminar by Professor Lorenzo Di Bari

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