Shigemi MizukamiPrincipal Investigator, Ph.D.
Job | Professor |
Group | Device/System Group |
Laboratory | Mizukami Laboratory |
Address | Room 320, AIMR Annex Building, Katahira Campus (2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577) |
Tel | +81-22-217-6003 | | |
Related Site |
Research Interests
- Spin (wave) dynamics and devices (1997-)
- Spintronics materials (2005-)
- Tunnel magnetoresistive devices (2008-)
- Organic magnetoresistive devices (2010-)
- Magnetic sensors for medical application (2011-)
Related Information
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- 06/10/2024 Press Releases Making Waves: Generation of Intense Terahertz Waves with a Magnetic Material
- 03/04/2024 Press Releases A Giant Leap Towards Neuromorphic Devices: High-performance Spin-wave Reservoir Computing
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