Alexander Shluger主任研究者 Ph.D.

職名 AIMR主任研究者
教授(Department of Physic and Astronomy and London Centre for Nanotechonology, UCL)
グループ 材料物理グループ
研究室 Alexander Shluger研究室(新しいタブで開きます)
所在地 片平キャンパス AIMR別館221号室
(〒980-8577 仙台市青葉区片平2-1-1)
電話 022-217-5942


Theoretical modeling of:
  • Defects and defect properties in insulators metal/insulator and semiconductor/insulator interfaces
  • Atomic Force Microscopy imaging and molecular manipulation
  • Photo-induced surface processes


  • Watkins M. and Shluger A. L., "Mechanism of Contrast Formation in Atomic Force Microscopy in Water”-Phys. Rev. Lett. , 2010, v. 105, Article Number: 196101
  • McKenna K. P. and Shluger A. L., Electron-trapping polycrystalline materials with negative electron affinity, - Nature Materials 2008, v. 7, p. 859-862
  • Sushko P. V., Shluger A. L., Hirano M., and Hosono H., "From insulator to electride: A theoretical model of nanoporous oxide 12CaO.7Al2O3”, - J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2007, v. 129 (4), pp.942-951
  • Trevethan T., Watkins M., Kantorovich L. N., Shluger A. L., et al., "Controlled manipulation of atoms in insulating surfaces with the virtual atomic force microscope”, - Phys. Rev. Lett.2007, v. 98 (2): Art. No. 028101
  • Hess W. P., Joly A. G., Beck K. M., Henyk M., Sushko P.V., Trevisanutto P. E., and Shluger A. L., Laser control of desorption through selective surface excitation, - J. Phys.Chem. B 2005, v. 109, No 42, pp. 19563-19578


  • Fellow of the Institute of Physics (1996)
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society (2011)
