
AIMR has concluded agreements with the following three research institutes, which designate these institutes as Satellites for the implementation of bi-directional multidisciplinary exchange with AIMR. Under the agreements, AIMR has established AIMR Joint Research Centers, which function as research spaces at the respective institutes. Through the Joint Centers, AIMR aims to develop a system that places a particular focus on the implementation of joint research conducted together with leading materials science research institutes in Europe, North America, and Asia.

Country United Kingdom
University University of Cambridge
Overview An agreement has been concluded with the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge on the research theme, "Non-equilibrium Materials and Computational Materials Science," led by PI A. Lindsay Greer (will open in a new tab) and PI Christopher James Pickard (will open in a new tab).
Country United States
University The University of Chicago
Overview An agreement has been concluded with the Institute for Molecular Engineering, the University of Chicago on the research field, "Spintronics," led by Prof. David Awschalom (will open in a new tab).
Country China
University Tsinghua University
Overview An agreement has been concluded with Tsinghua University on the research theme, "Topological Materials," led by PI Qikun Xue (will open in a new tab).