(internal access only)

Members of AIMR *A Tohoku University ID is required to access both links.

A photo-inclusive AIMR staff list, excl. Students, is available for AIMR members.

International researchers and coordinators who have newly joined as members of AIMR are introduced in this online Magazine.

For Research Activity

AIMR Support Package for Young Researchers

Available researchers: under the age of 40 at the end of the fiscal year and for assistant professors, assistant professors, specially appointed assistant professors (research) and researchers.

Funding Opportunities

Recruitment and Appointment

Important Note on Research Activities

Research Achievement and Award

Basic Information & Office Procedures

Post Appointment Formalities

Basic Information for Employees

Office Procedures

Item Purchasing Procedures

Radiation, Chemicals, Genetic Modification, Animal Experimentation etc.

E-mail & Network Use etc.