Press Releases


Assistant Prof. Koichi Taniguchi received The 2023 MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prize.


Assistant Prof. Tomoki Uda received The 2020 JSIAM Best Paper Award.


Assistant Prof. Yohei Sakurai received The 2020 MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prize for Encouragement of Young Researchers.


Assistant Prof. Christopher Jack Bourne received Best Paper Prize 2020: Journal of Physics A (Mathematical and Theoretical).
※Chris Bourne and Emil Prodan, Non-commutative Chern numbers for generic aperiodic discrete systems J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 235202 (2018)



Prof. Hiroshi Suito(Principal Investigator)received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.



Assistant Prof. Tomoki Uda received The 2018 MSJ Prize for Exellent Applied Mathematicians.

【Commemorative Picture】



Prof. Hiroshi Suito(Principal Investigator)received the 2018 MIMS Mimura Award.



Specially Appointed Prof. Yasumasa Nishiura (Former; Principal Investigator)received the 1st MIMS Mimura Award.



Assistant Prof. Ippei Obayashi received The 6th Hiroshi Fujiwara Encouragement Prize for Mathematical Science.


・1/28/2014 Tue.  

Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun【1/28/2014】
「東北大、分子の形に指標 カーボンナノチューブで」

(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・11/18/2013 Fri.

National Museum of Nature and Science Magazine "mil sil”

【No.5 Vol.6 /2013】p3

Science Interview

"Link continuous world to discontinuous world via mathematics."

(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・10/4/2013 Fri.


A book guide on Mathematics Books (Ed. Kotani) is now on sale in major bookstores.

(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・8/5/2013 Mon.

Kahoku Shipo 【7/12/2013~8/4/2013】p3

「科学の泉 材料科学への数学の挑戦①~⑥」

(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・7/12/2013 Fri.  

Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun【7/12/2013】


(Motoko Kotani / Professor, Kaname Matue / Assistant Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・7/12/2013 Fri.  

Kahoku Shipo 【7/12/2013】p29

「金属ガラス、原子構造解明 東北大グループ、米科学誌に発表」

(Motoko Kotani / Professor, Kaname Matue / Assistant Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・7/12/2013 Fri.  

Press Releases

”Perfect distortion: geometric frustration of icosahedron for glass formation-Resolving underlying discrepancy for half a century by the fusion research between materials science and mathematics-”

(Motoko Kotani / Professor, Kaname Matue / Assistant Professor)

【Link】・WPI-AIMR|Press Releases

    ・Tohoku University|Press Releases


・5/1/2013 Wed.  

GAKUSHIKAI U7 【May 2013】 vol.49 p54-57 


(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・6/1/2013 Sat.  

Mathmatical Science 【Jun 2013】 p63-67

リレー連載:数学的な感覚の探求 第10回「待ち受ける心」

(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・1/10/2013 Thu.  

Journal of the surface science society of Japan【Jan 2013】

vol.34 No.1 p2, p3-8

Interview for prefatory note & futured article

(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)



The Nikkei 【1/17/2013】p23


(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・12/13/2012 Thu.  

The Monthly Journal MEXT【Dec 2012】p40-41

「東北大学WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research(AIMR)」

(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

「つながる知 ~数学という見えない力~ 」

(Yasumasa Nishiura / Professor / Unit Leader) 


(Japanese text only)


・11/25/2012 Sun.  

The Nikkei Science【Jan 2013】p8-11

「Front Runner 挑む 小谷元子『不連続なものの形の本質を探る』」

(Motoko Kotani / Professor)

(Japanese text only)


・11/9/2012 Fri.  

The Science News 【11/9/2012】p2

「東北大AIMR<6> 膨大データから“意味”を取り出す 数学ユニット」

The introduction article of the Math Unit by Prof. Nishiura (Unit Leader) was published.

(Japanese text only)

【Latest News】

AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: July. 26th (Fri) 2024
Speaker: Dr. Mingpei Lin

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: July. 5th (Fri) 2024
Speaker: Prof. Hayato Chiba

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AIMR Math Group Hybrid Seminar

Date: Apr. 19th (Fri) 2024
Speaker: Kota Takeda

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AIMR Math Group Hybrid Seminar

Date: Feb. 15th (Thu) 2024
Speaker: Jibiki Chihaya

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: Jan. 26th (Fri) 2024
Speaker:Dr. Lam, Wai Yeung

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: Jan. 24th (Wed) 2024
Speaker:Dr. Lam, Wai Yeung

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AIMR Math Group Hybrid Seminar

Date: Jan. 22nd (Mon) 2024
Speaker: Akiko Morimura

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AIMR Math Group Hybrid Seminar

Date: Dec. 5th (Tue) 2023

1. Masato Hara

2. Takuma Sumi

3. Koichi Taniguchi

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: Aug. 30th (Wed) 2023
Speaker: BRENNAN Zachary D

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AIMR Math Group Hybrid Seminar

Date: July. 26th (Wed) 2023
Speaker: Masaki Ogawa

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AIMR Math Group Hybrid Seminar

Date: July. 25th (Tue) 2023
Speaker: Jesica Bauer

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Joint Workshop of Tohoku University and ISM

Date: May. 10th (Wed) 2023

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Workshop: Emerging Platforms for Quantum Computing

Date: Apr. 10th (Mon) - Apr. 11th (Tue) 2023

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

※Special Tea Time

Date: Mar. 28th (Tue) 2023
Speaker: Prof. Motoru Tanaka

     Natalie Munding

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: Feb. 3rd (Fri) 2023
Speaker: Prof. Makoto Matsumoto

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

※This seminar is organized jointly with (KUAMS) .

Date: Jan. 20th (Fri) 2023
Speaker: Dr. Cavallina Lorenzo

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AIMR Math Group Hybrid Seminar

Date: Dec. 12th (Mon) 2022
Speaker: Shou Yoshikawa

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Nov. 28th (Mon) 2022
Speaker: Prof. Marco Falconi

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The 9th Early Career Researchers Ensemble Workshop
Date:Nov. 22, 2022
Venue:Sakura Hall (Katahira Campus)

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Oct. 20th (Thu) 2022
Speaker: Shin Hayashi

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Sep. 21th (Wed) 2022
Speaker: Prof. Dimi Culcer

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Math-Materials: International & Interdisciplinary Workshop Visualization & Ideal Embeddings of Entangled Structures

Date: July. 6th(Wed)-7th(Thurs) 2022

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Feb. 25th (Fri) 2022
Speaker: Hisatoshi Kodani

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Jan. 13th (Thu) 2022
Speaker: Dr. Yi Huang

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Dec. 10th (Fri) 2021
Speaker: Jiawei Liu

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Nov. 12th (Fri) 2021
Speaker: Hiroyasu Ando

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Oct. 22th (Fri) 2021
Speaker: Dr. Marcello Seri

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Aug. 27th (Fri) 2021
Speaker: Stefan Junk

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"Discussion on promotions of international collaborations" will be held from 15:00 on July 19, 2021 by inviting Mr. Bernard Chenevier, Senior URA of Okayama University. (Application for participation)

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: June. 29th (Tue) 2021
Speaker: Tomoki Ozawa

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0x On-line Seminar

Date: Jun. 19th (Sat) 2021
Speaker: Ryoma Sato/Sho Yokoi

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: May. 28th (Fri) 2021
Speaker: Eriko Shinkawa

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The Geometry & Topology Behind Fabrics at Multiple Scales


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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: May. 14th (Fri) 2021
Speaker: Koichi Taniguchi

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: April. 30th (Fri) 2021
Speaker: Yuka Fujiki

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: April. 23th (Fri) 2021
Speaker: Jadala Venkata Ramana Reddy

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AIMR-IFS-ISM Joint Workshop 2021

Date: April. 21st (Wed) 2021

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Open Positions

【Posted on February 12, 2021】

Position: One Assistant Professor

Starting date: June 1, 2021, or earliest possible date

Application deadline: March 31, 2021

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0x On-line Seminar

Date: Oct. 30th (Fri) 2020
Speaker: Yuichi Ike

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0x On-line Seminar

Date: Aug. 29th (Sat) 2020
Speaker: alg-d

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: Aug. 4th (Tue) 2020
Speaker: Kazutoshi Inoue

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: July. 7th (Tue) 2020
Speaker: Chris Bourne

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AIMR Math Group On-line Seminar

Date: April. 24th (Fri) 2020
Speaker: Tomoki Ozawa

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Workshop:Jammed matter and its non-Gaussian fluctuations

Date: Mar. 23rd(Mon)-25th(Wed) 2019

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: Jan. 10th (Fri) 2020 
Speaker: Prof. Ayato Mitsuishi

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Synchronization phenomena on complex networks 2, from math to experiments - Special workshop for AIMR Advanced Target Projects -

Date: Jan. 8th (Web) 2020 

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: Dec. 11th (Wed) 2019 
Speaker: Yves Antonio Brandes Costa Barbosa

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mini course on pseudodifferential operators on non-commutative L^p spaces
Date:Nov. 25th (Mon)・26th(Tue)
Speaker: Dr. Gihyun Lee

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: Sep. 6th (Fri) 2019 
Speaker: Dr. Xi-Chan Gao

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: Aug. 9th (Fri) 2019 
Speaker: Dr. Clemens Gneiting

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: July 30th (Tue) 2019 
Speaker: Associate Pro. Sungrim Seirin-Lee

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Synchronization phenomena on complex networks, from math to experiments – Special workshop for AIMR Advanced Target Projects –

Date: July 29th (Mon) 2019

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: July 23rd (Tue) 2019 
Speaker: Prof. Eric Rowell

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: July 4th (Thu) 2019 
Speaker: Dr. Jordan Hauge

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: May 17th (Fri) 2019 
Speaker: Dr. Yuki Takahashi

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Math discussion for ATP

Date: April 19th (Fri) 2019
Speaker: Dr. Hirofumi Oka
Speaker: Prof. Tomoteru Fukumura

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AIMR Math Group Seminar

Date: April 4th (Thu) 2019 
Speaker: Dr. Koji Sato

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 Advanced Institute for Materials Research Tohoku University Mathematical Group
 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577 Japan 【Access/Contact