The welcome party for the AAT2017 will be held on 8th Aug. at the CONFERENCE ROOM 1, from 17:30 - 18:30 pm.
The banquet will be held on Thursday, 10th Aug. at Faculty House Trillium "Elm", from 18:00 - 20:00 pm.
Due to circumstances of the reservation, participants who register on-site might not be allowed to participate in the banquet.
*Presentation times are as follows:
Plenary lecture: 1 hour
Contributed lecture: 30 minutes
*Contributed lectures are scheduled in two parallel sessions.
Aug. 08 (Tue) | Aug. 09 (Wed) | Aug. 10 (Thu) | Aug. 11 (Fri) | Aug. 12 (Sat) | |||
8:00 - 9:00 |
Registration | |||||||
9:00 - 10:00 |
Plenary Lecture 1 | Plenary Lecture 4 | Plenary Lecture 7 | Plenary Lecture 9 | Plenary Lecture 11 | |||
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break | Coffee Break / Photo Session | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | |||
10:30 - 11:30 |
Plenary Lecture 2 | Plenary Lecture 5 | Plenary Lecture 8 | Plenary Lecture 10 | Plenary Lecture 12 | |||
11:30 - 14:00 |
*Lunch | *Lunch | *Excursion | *Lunch | *Lunch | |||
14:00 - 15:00 |
Plenary Lecture 3 | Plenary Lecture 6 | Contributed Lecture 5 |
Contributed Lecture 6 |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Coffee Break | Coffee Break | ||||||
15:30 - 16:00 |
Contributed Lecture 1 |
Contributed Lecture 2 |
Contributed Lecture 3 |
Contributed Lecture 4 |
Coffee Break | |||
16:00 - 17:00 |
Contributed Lecture 7 |
Contributed Lecture 8 |
17:00 - 17:30 |
Poster Session | |||||||
17:30 - 18:30 |
Welcome Party | |||||||
18:00 - 20:00 |
Banquet @ Faculty House Trillium "Restaurant Elm" |
*A3 members have a lunch time meeting for A3 foresight.
Plenary Lecture 1
John Baez
"The Rise and Spread of Algebraic Topology"
Plenary Lecture 2
Vidit Nanda
"Local cohomology and stratification"
Plenary Lecture 3
Konstantin Mischaikov
"Towards a Computational, Discrete Geometric Foundation for Nonlinear Dynamics"
Plenary Lecture 4
Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov
"Topology of complexes arising in models for Distributed Computing"
Plenary Lecture 5
Yasuaki Hiraoka
"Materials TDA and random/statistical topology"
Plenary Lecture 6
Robert Adler
"Applied Topology from the point of view of Probability"
Plenary Lecture 7
Taro Toyoizumi
"Efficient Signal Processing in Random Spiking Networks that Generate Variability"
Plenary Lecture 8
Thomas Leinster
"Magnitude homology"
Plenary Lecture 9
Vin de Silva
"Reeb Graph Smoothing via Cosheaves"
Plenary Lecture 10
Carina Curto
"Topological organization of neural networks"
Plenary Lecture 11
Lisbeth Fajstrup
"Directed topology and Concurrency Theory"
Plenary Lecture 12
Robert Ghrist
"On Computing Persistent Homology"
Contributed Lecture 1
Massimo Ferri
"Graph persistence"
Nicholas Scoville
"A Persistent Homological Analysis of Network Data Flow Malfunctions"
Juan Pablo Vigneaux
"Information topology and probabilistic graphical models"
Contributed Lecture 2
Senja Barthel
"Investigating porous material with persistent homology"
Barbara Mahler
"Computational Topology for Spreading Dynamics"
Takashi Teramoto
"Applications of persistent homology to immunochemistry"
Contributed Lecture 3
Lida Kanari
"Topological Representation of Neuronal Morphologies"
Michael Reimann
"Cliques of Neurons Bound into Cavities Provide a Missing Link between Structure and Functions"
Ann Sizemore
"Cliques and cavities in the human connectome"
Contributed Lecture 4
Brittany Terese Fasy
"The Computation of the Erosion Distance"
Nina Otter
"New invariants for multi-parameter persistent homology"
Matthew Wright
"Multidimensional Persistence: Computation and Applications"
Contributed Lecture 5
Rachel Levanger
"Applications of Persistent Homology to Simulated Turbulent Fluid Flows on a 3D Domain"
Kelly Spendlove
"A Discrete Morse Theoretic Approach for Computing Connection Matrices"
Tomoo Yokoyama
"Finite representabilities of surface flows"
Contributed Lecture 6
Rachel Jeitziner
"Two-Tier Mapper: a user-friendly clustering method for global gene expression based on topology"
Bradley Nelson
"The Least Squares Klein Bottle for Image Patches"
Shizuo Kaji
"A topological view on Shape deformation"
Contributed Lecture 7
Cihan Okay
"Applications of classifying spaces in quantum computation"
Kang-Ju Lee
"Simplicial networks and effective resistance"
David Recio-Mitter
"Topological complexity of subgroups of the braid groupse"
Contributed Lecture 8
Katharine Turner
"Injectivity results for the Persistent Homology Transform"
Shu Kanazawa
"The law of large number of the lifetime in random complex processes"
Francisco Belchi-Guillamon
"The Shape of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease"
Zbigniew Błaszczyk
"Topological complexity and efficiency of motion planning algorithms"
Mickaël Buchet
"Towards parameter free denoising"
Matthew Burfitt
"Integral free loop cohomology of complete flag manifolds"
Samuel Carp
"Categorical Constructions in Cellular Sheaf Theory"
Man Chuen Cheng
"Representation spaces for central extensions and almost commuting unitary matrices"
Emerson G. Escolar
"Vietoris-Rips Realization of Indecomposable Persistence Modules of Large Dimension"
Sungyeon Hong
"Study of Neural Connectivity Pattern via Persistent Homology"
Sara Kalisnik Verovsek
"A Higher-Dimensional Homologically Persistent Skeleton"
Younng-Jin Kim
"Harmonic classes and data analysis"
Genki Kusano
"Kernel method for persistence diagrams via kernel embedding and weight factor"
Darrick Lee
"Random Clique Topology of the Stochastic Block Model"
Sanaa Madad
"la topologie robotique"
Ingrid Membrillo Solis
"Homotopy types of gauge groups related to certain 7-manifolds"
Keiji Miura
"Binarization of Spontaneous Neural Activities for Neural Ring Analysis"
Rodrigo R. Moraleda
"Segmentation of biomedical images by a computational topology framework"
Ryo Murai
"Stiefel-Whintey class of a category and its application"
Ippei Obayashi
"Digital Image Analysis using Persistent Homology and Machine Learning"
Ahmet Öztel
"A New Algorithm for Calculating Homology Groups of Two-dimensional Digital Images and Its Implementation in a Computer Environment"
Mariam Pirashvili
Samson Saneblidze
Tse Leung So
"Homotopy types of gauge groups over 4-manifolds"
Yitzchak Solomon
"Homology-Based Immersions of Metric Objects"
Doman Takata
"K-theory and noncommutative geometry"
Alex Wagner
"Stabilizing Auxiliary Persistence Information"
David White
"A Proof of Baez -Dolan Stabilization for Rezk’s model of weak n-categories"
Wei Xiong
"Explore Heterogeneous Data Structures using Persistent Homology"
Ben Cassidy
"Persistent homology of time varying conditional independence networks"
Hiroshi Takeuchi
"The Persistent Homology of a Correspondence; A Viewpoint from Quiver Representations"