Layered borides: New insights from rhombohedral boron monosulfide


Exploring the challenges of studying materials with small or powdered crystals

Dr. Sugawara conducting research using ARPES

Studying materials with small or powdered crystals has long been a challenge in materials science.

One such example is the layered rhombohedral boron monosulfide (r-BS), whose two-dimensional BS single layers are predicted to exhibit properties such as high hydrogen storage, efficient photocatalysis, and high-Tc superconductivity. However, current fabrication methods can only produce r-BS in the powder single crystal form, making spectroscopic investigations difficult—even for advanced techniques such as microfocused angle-resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (µ-ARPES).

“Technically, the small size of the r-BS grains (< 30 µm) is not a problem for µ-ARPES measurements,” says Katsuaki Sugawara, a member of an ARPES research team at AIMR. “The challenge lies in how to reliably select and expose the ideal grain sample to the microfocused beam.”

In a 2023 article1, the AIMR team achieved just this by first dispersing r-BS powder onto a Au substrate before cleaving the sample in the ultrahigh-vacuum instrument chamber. The team then used optical microscopy and scanning µ-PES to locate and select the ideal r-BS powder crystals for local ARPES measurements, respectively.

“Our sample-preparation methodology enabled us to make the first high-quality ARPES observation of the r-BS electronic structure; our results show that r-BS may be a semiconductor with a substantial bandgap (> 0.5 eV) and a valence-electron effective mass larger than that of h-BN,” highlights Sugawara.

“As we move on, we will expand this methodology to investigate the band structure and fermiology of a wide variety of powder crystals that have yet to be experimentally probed.”

(Author: Patrick Han)


  1. Sugawara, K., Kusaka, H., Kawakami, T., Yanagizawa, K., Homma, A., Souma, S., Nakayama, K., Miyakawa, M., Taniguchi, T., Kitamura, M., Horiba, K., Kumigashira, M., Takashi, T., Orimo, S., Toyoda, M., Saito, S., Kondo, T. & Sato, T. Direct imaging of band structure for powdered rhombohedral boron monosulfide by microfocused ARPES Nano Letters 23, 1673-1679 (2023). | article

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