A3 Foresight Program workshop "Modeling and Simulation of Hierarchical and Heterogeneous Flow Systems with Applications to Materials Science Ⅵ"


Date:July 26-29, 2019
Venue:TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity
Sendai, Japan 【Access】



*To the author of the poster session

Poster authors are kindly asked to put up their posters on the poster board with your poster number.

Poster board(900 mm width × 2100 mm height) will be installed from the morning of July 27 until the morning of July 29. please take down your poster until 10a.m. of July 29.


*Dinner restaurant


・Friday, July 26 19:00~ 

Restaurant Fermata, Hotel Bel Air 【Map】


・Saturday, July 27 18:00~

Restaurant Hagi【Map】


・Sunday, July 28 18:30~

Shokeikaku 【Restaurant Website *Japanese only】

Courtesy bus will leave to the restaurant at 18:10 from in front of the park right across the TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity



※ Other links


・Time table of Sendai Airport Access line



・Hotel Premium green hills 【Hotel info】

・Hotel Grenn with 【Hotel info】







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 Site administrator:Yasumasa NISHIURA, Mathematical Science Group, AIMR, Tohoku University
 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577  【Contact