Core research topics
The center has a range of various activities in the field of micro and nano technology. Micro and nano electro-mechanical systems
(MEMS/NEMS) have completely changed human society in the past decades. Many devices that are taken for granted these days
like smart phones and modern car would be unthinkable without them. Our motivation for the research we are doing is to provide
means to improve safety and comfort in a sustainable way. We target to work closely with partners from industry.
Research Activities
Fraunhofer Project Center for MEMS/NEMS devices and manufacturing technologies
© Tohoku University and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Micro acoustic actuator
Currently availbale micro acoustic actuators have several
limitations in regards to sound quality, energy effiency and
complexity. By appling MEMS technolgy with electromagnetic
actuation we aim to develop devices to overcome those
Material development for thermoelectric
power harvesting
To increase the effiency of energy harvesters based on the
Seebeck effect we investigate the application of nano sized
material modifications.
Electrochemical deposition of magnetic
The aim of this work is the deposition of various magnetic
alloys by non aqueous electrolytes to enable magnetic
materials for MEMS batch fabrication processes. The focus
points are acceptable deposition rates as well as good
magnetic properties.
Solid Liquid Interdiffusion Bonding near
room temperature
There is a large demand for assembly technologies that are
usable at temperatures near to room temperature. By using
such technologies it is possible to create heterogenous
systems with high reliability.