The Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) at Tohoku University is one of nine Centers established by World Premier International Research Center Initiative Program (WPI) of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), aimed at developing world-class research bases in Japan.
The mission of AIMR is to develop innovative materials useful for society by promoting understanding and control of materials based on a systematic knowledge ranging from atoms through meso- to macro-scale. To accomplish this mission, we took a strategy of a strong collaboration of mathematics and materials science by introducing the four target projects:
- (1) Non-equilibrium Materials based on Mathematical Dynamical Systems,
- (2) Topological Functional Materials,
- (3) Multi-Scale Hierarchical Materials based on Discrete Geometric Analysis.
- (4) The Core Technology for Nano Energy Devices,
To promote research activities towards the missions of AIMR, we will organize AMIS2017 from February 12 through 17, 2017. AMIS2017 entitled “The 10th Anniversary of AIMR congratulating Mathematics-Materials Science Collaboration”, and AMIS2017 focuses on the above four target projects.
This year, as the event commemorating the tenth anniversary of AIMR foundation, we would like to share our accomplishments based on the four themes, and in order to achieve further development of new innovative materials which contribute to our society, let us introduce our research progresses and have opportunities to exchange opinions with worldwide researchers at the AMIS2017.
Organizing committee
- Motoko Kotani (Chair)
Institute Director
- Mingwei Chen
Leader of Non-equilibrium Materials group
- Katsumi Tanigaki
Leader of Materials Physics group
- Tadafumi Adschiri
Leader of Soft Materials group
- Tomokazu Matsue
Leader of Device/Systems group
- Yasumasa Nishiura
Leader of Mathematical Science group
- Masaru Tsukada
Administrative Director
Scientific Committee
- J Georg Bednorz
Fellow, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, 1987 Physics Nobel Laureate
- Herbert Gleiter
Professor, Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Venkatesh Narayanamurti
John A. & Elizabeth S. Armstrong Professor, Harvard University
- Ei-ichi Negishi
Herbert C. Brown Distinguished Professor, Purdue University, 2010 Chemistry Nobel Laureate
- Shigefumi Mori
Director-General, Distinguished Professor, The Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS), 1990 Fields Medal