view_index_pict – Put birth and death pixels for 2D cubical filtrations created by digital pictures


python3 -m homcloud.view_index_pict 
    [-h] -d DEGREE [-T TYPE]
    [-f FILTER]
    [-B] [-D] [-L] [-s SCALE] [--no-label]
    [--show-command SHOW_COMMAND] [-o OUTPUT]
    picture diagram




Put birth and death pixels for 2D cubical filtrations created by digital pictures. You can use the diagrams created by pict.binarize or pict.pixel_levelset, and dipha.

You need to specify two files, picture and diagram: picture is the original picture file. diagram is a dipha's PERSISTENCE_DIAGRAM file or index-combined dipha diagram file.

If you want to see the birth and death pixels interactively, please use view_index_pict_gui intead.


-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-V, --version         show program's version number and exit
-d DEGREE, --degree DEGREE
                      Degree of PH
-T TYPE, --type TYPE  Input file format (dipha, idipha, text) (default:
-N, --negate          Flip the sign of birth/death times for superlevel
                      persistence (default: False)
-f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                      filters (ex: "lifetime > 5.0")
-B, --birth           plot birth pixels
-D, --death           plot death pixels
-L, --line            draw line between death and birth pixels
-s SCALE, --scale SCALE
                      image scaling factor (1, 3, 5, ...)
--show-command SHOW_COMMAND
                      image display command
--no-label            birth-death labels are not drawn
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                      output file name