optimal_volume - Compute volume optimal cycle


homcloud-optimal-volume [-h] [-V] -d DEGREE [-x X] [-y Y] [-X X_RANGE]
    [-j JSON_OUTPUT] [-v VTK_OUTPUT] [-P] [-n RETRY]
    [--integer-programming INTEGER_PROGRAMMING]
    [--debug DEBUG] [--solver SOLVER]
    [--skip-infeasible SKIP_INFEASIBLE]




This program computes optimal volumes and volume optimal cycles for given birth-death pairs.

The input diagram (.idiagram file) should have the information of the boundary map. The information is computed by the following programs with -M on option:

You can specify single point by using -x and -y option. By using these options, the program choose the closest birth-death pair and compute an optimal volume and a volume optimal cycle for the pair.

You can also specify a rectangle region on persistence diagram by using -X and -Y options. The program computes all volume optimal cycels for birth-death pairs in the given rectangle.


-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-V, --version         show program's version number and exit
-d DEGREE, --degree DEGREE
                      degree of PH
-x X                  birth time of the pair
-y Y                  death time of the pair
-X X_RANGE, --x-range X_RANGE
                      birth time of the pair
-Y Y_RANGE, --y-range Y_RANGE
                      death time of the pair
                      cut-off radius in R^n
-j JSON_OUTPUT, --json-output JSON_OUTPUT
                      output in json format
-v VTK_OUTPUT, --vtk-output VTK_OUTPUT
                      output in vtk format
-P, --invoke-paraview
                      invoke paraview for visualization
-n RETRY, --retry RETRY
                      number of retry
--integer-programming INTEGER_PROGRAMMING
                      use integer programming (on/*off*)
--debug DEBUG         debug mode (on/*off*)
--solver SOLVER       LP solver
                      constrain on the birth simplex
--skip-infeasible SKIP_INFEASIBLE
                      skip infeasible (on/*off*)


The output format of this module is json.

    "format-version": double, /* version of the format of this file */
    "query": query, /* Query information */
    "dimension": int, /* Dimension of the input data */
    "num-volumes": int, /* The number of results */
    "num-infeasible": int,  /* The number of "infeasible" erros */
    "result": array of result /* The list of all optimal volumes */

query: point_query or rectangle_query

point_query: {
    "query-target": "volume-optimal-cycle",
    "query-type": "signle",
    "birth": double, /* Query coordinate X */
    "death": double, /* Query coordinate Y */
    "degree": int, /* the degree of homology */
    "cutoff-radius": double or null, /* cutoff radius */
    "num-retry": int, /* the maximum number of retries */
    "integer-programming": bool, /* use integer programming */
    "constrain-on-birth-simplex": false, 
    "skip-infeasible": bool, /* skip "infeasible" errors */
    "optimal-cycle-children": bool,
    "solver": string, /* The name of the LP solver */
    "owned-volume": double or null,
    "owned-volume-connected-component": bool,
    "tightened-volume": double or null,
    "tightened-subvolume": double or null,
    "no-optimal-cycle": bool, /* optimal volume is not computed */

rectangle_query: {
    "query-target": "volume-optimal-cycle",
    "query-type": "rectangle",
    "birth-range": [double, double] /* The range of Query coordinate X */
    "death-range": [double, double] /* The range of Query coordinate X */
    "degree": int, /* the degree of homology */
    "cutoff-radius": double or null, /* cutoff radius */
    "num-retry": int, /* the maximum number of retries */
    "integer-programming": bool, /* use integer programming */
    "constrain-on-birth-simplex": false, 
    "skip-infeasible": bool, /* skip "infeasible" errors */
    "optimal-cycle-children": bool,
    "solver": string, /* The name of the LP solver */
    "owned-volume": double or null,
    "owned-volume-connected-component": bool,
    "tightened-volume": double or null,
    "tightened-subvolume": double or null,
    "no-optimal-cycle": bool, /* optimal volume is not computed */

result: {
    "birth-time": double, /* birth time */
    "death-time": double, /* death time */
    "points": array of point /* all vertices in the volume */
    "simplices": array of simplex /* all simplices in the volume, 
        only available for simplicial filtrations */
    "cubes": array of cubes /* all simplices in the volume, 
        only available for cubical filtrations */
    "boundary": array of simplex/cube /* all simplices in the boundary of the volume */
    "boundary-points": array of point /* all points in the boundary of the volume*/
    "children": array of pair/array of optimal_volume, /* children pairs' information */

pair: {
    "birth-time": double, /* birth time */
    "death-time": double, /* death time */

point: array of float
simplex: array of point
cube: [array of int, array of bool]

If -C option is activated, "children" field has an array of volume optimal cycles for children birth-death pairs. This computation will be expensive for a large volume optimal cycle. On the other hand, if -C option is not activated, only birth time and death time is output. In this case, the computation cost is very small.


Single birth-death pair query.

python3 -m homcloud.optimal_volume -d 1 -x 2.5 -y 6.2 -j voc.json example.idiagram

Rectangle query.

python3 -m homcloud.optimal_volume -d 1 -x 2.4:2.5 -y 6.2:6.3 -j voc.json example.idiagram